So, Apple finally presented her long-standing project, talking about which for at least two years was held-Stream Service Apple TV+. Journalists and simple commentators on the network already vied with a competitor Netflix , Which, on the one hand, is quite reasonably, and on the other, the exaggeration necessary for loud headlines (and yes, I also used it). But in order to at least approximately understand what role the next “apple” platform can play in the future, let's first figure out what this same Apple TV is+.
The presentation showed a beautiful video in which the main creators of the future stream service talk about the essence of the movie
From a technical point of view, no revolution should be expected – this is not recent Stadia. Potential users are promised the most ordinary stream service: the same as Netflix, Amazon Prime or Hulu , Only with the inherent Apple raid by elitist exclusivity. Although this time it is even a little smaller, because the service is available not only on gadgets with a bitten apple, but also on plasma with support Smart TV , And what kind of brand she is ( LG , Samsung or Sony ), does not matter. And no need to buy any prefix separately.
But okay, no one waits for fundamental innovations in this case. It works, you can not fix it. The main thing is exclusive content itself. And here Apple gathered a real flash-set from the directors and stars of the first magnitude: they obviously did not regret the money for the loud launch of the platform.
Just look at this list of names
Stephen Spielberg restarts for Apple TV+ his own series of thirty years ago – "Amazing Stories". For those who do not know, this is an anthology "Twilight Zone" , but not so terrible and pessimistic. On the stage, Spielberg said that, they say, thanks to the original magazine of the same name, where short stories came out, he discovered science fiction, and this is how everything turned out many years later. Maybe he is cunning, but beautifully, damn it. Spielberg also issued a form of one episode of new “amazing stories” – about the pilot, which from the past comes from our days. Honestly, until it is somehow very surprising, but let's look at the implementation and other plots.
Tizer of future projects Apple TV+
Another equally ambitious exclusive – post -apocalyptic fantasy "Look" with the king of seven seas Jason Momoa in the title role. Sinopsis and the composition of the project participants are intriguing. According to the plot, in the distant future, all people were blinded, but still managed to restore the collapsed civilization at least to the cave-tribed level. The creator is responsible for the script "Sharp visors" And "Taboo" Stephen Knight, and the director will be Francis Lawrence, the director and the cult in some circles "Constantine: Lord of Darkness" , and fucked-shock "Red Sparrow". What is closer to the quality of the “look”, it is impossible to predict, but on those rare frames that manage to get out of the trailer above, you can see at least luxurious operator work.
Personnel from the series "Watch"
Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston and Steve Karell will meet in one of the most expensive (rumors about $ 12 million per episode) of comedy series of our time – "Morning show". As you can guess from the name, he will tell you about the everyday life of those very people who get dark every day, bathe in coffee, pull smiles and go out on Golden Pharaoh Casino the air. I understand that not everyone is interested, but from the moment of closing "News services" (And even at the journalism they show it for educational purposes) Not a single worthy series about television backstage has not happened. And there, believe me, life is in full swing: enough for a drama, even for a thriller, even for a production comedy, as in this case.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg – that is, the show that will almost guaranteed appear in the starting line of Apple TV+ already autumn. Following them, their series for the service will be removed, removed or removed by J. J. Abrams, m. Knight Shyamalan, Damien Shazell, Ron Howard, Spike Lee, John Favro, Taika Waititi and another dozen directors, whom you almost know. The main roles in them will also play the actors of the first echelon, like Yuen McGregor or Chris Evans.
In general, so far it sounds like a plan to conquer all our free time. But there is one nuance.
In the alternative-historical series “For the Sance of Humanity”, Russians will have time for the moon before Americans
In the fall The Wall Street Journal Published curious material with an insider of the bowels then still collected in pieces of TV+. As it turned out, the company Tima Cook wanted to compete with Netflix simultaneously and maintain the image of the “Good Corporation”. So strict conditions were set by all hired creators: as little violence as possible, no abnormal vocabulary, no provocations – nothing that could be offended or promoted by decent families of any nationality and religion. So do not rely on the content of 18+.
Jess … Hmm … Aaron Paul played in a detective Truth Be Told Together with Oscar -winning Octavia Spencer
And this is not that bad – just gives out a beginner in the Apple in the entertainment industry. If you try to avoid sharp corners with all your might, you quickly start walking in a circle. All other stream-platforms, on the contrary, use the possibilities that the Internet broadcast gives. Hulu, for example, began to release "Act" – a shocking story based on real events about a girl who decided to kill her own mother. It will hurt someone and upset? Undoubtedly.
On Amazon Prime, a comic book adaptation is released very soon "Boys" Gart Ennis, and anyone who read it will confirm that this is one of the most harsh parodies on the superhero. It’s not worth talking about Netflix: there and "13 reasons why" , And "Mind Hunter" , And a lot more. Even in Russian "Casters" Stream service Start Heroes copulate so frantically that it would fall on the box at best in the night slot of the channel "Ren-TV". And no matter how the moralists spit, all of the above examples illustrate one thing – creative freedom and lack of censorship. And these are the necessary conditions for the emergence of various and unique works. Otherwise, only stuffy sterility awaits the platform.
Yes, a prepared stream service can serve as a counterargument Disney+. The Mouse House also has a reputation as a family company and a related set of restrictions. Why do they have more chances to succeed in such conditions than Apple TV+? The answer is obvious: Marvel And "Star wars". Franchise magic, no matter what anyone says, works almost without fail. In addition, from Disney, no one expects an “adult” content. But Apple connected herself with a partnership with very “adults” creators – and the material is expected from them to the corresponding. So, if the words of insiders are true, the audience will be disappointed.
"Dikinson" He will tell the story of the famous American poetess Emily Dikinson, who published less than ten poems during his lifetime, but wrote almost two thousand ..
Globally Apple TV+ will not change anything: as I said at the beginning, this is just another stream service. But whether he will find his subscriber – while the big question. Rumors arrived in time in time that YouTube In the coming months he will move his own asphalt Originals. It would seem that everything was also in its place: a recognizable brand and loud names (fantastic thriller "Origin" put and produced the floor at. WITH. Anderson), and the availability of any gadget ..
But no, it didn’t go-in many ways, of course, because of the quality of the series themselves, although not all of them were so bad. Or maybe the point is that there a large corporation also climbed into a completely unfamiliar sphere-and naturally burned?
Be that as it may, we are waiting for autumn. What do you think about Apple TV announcement+?