Project/Programs and Key Activities

S/NOProject/ProgramKey Activities
1Rural Savings and Credita) Community Mobilization, b) Institution Building at the grass root level through establishing Village Organization, c) Conducting weekly issue based meeting through ensuring community participation d) Savings mobilization e) Loan disbursement and realization f) Providing training
2Income Generationa) Feasibility Analysis b) Entrepreneurships Development c) Helping poor in IGA/SE/ME selection d) Providing credit support e) Ensuring the involvement of participants in IGA/SE/ME activities such as Poultry, Livestock, Fisheries, Social forestry, Agriculture and rural enterprise and f) Providing continuous training, technical assistance and counselling
3Essential Health Care and Family Planning a) Mother & Child Health care, b) Family Planning c) Reproductive Health, d) Immunization e) Limited Curative care
4Social Forestry a) Private rural tree based entrepreneurship development b) Quality planting materials production c)Crop-land and homestead plantation d) Road side plantation e) Establishing nursery materials f) Establishment of Mother Tree Orchard (MTO) of fruit trees g) Establishment of mini museum with the insects and diseases of trees and crops and h) Social Mobilization for environment conservation i) Linkage building of Farmers and Farmers Organization with GO/NGO, j) Training and workshop and k) Conducting research.
5Non Formal Primary Education a) Child Education and Motivation b) Conducting survey with the drop out children and families c) Establishing NFPE School d) Creating social mobilization on heath and education and e) Awareness are rising on child and women trafficking. e) H &FP-FP
6Water and Sanitation a) Sinking of Tube wells b) Installation of pit latrine c) Motivation on personal hygiene and d) Establishment of Watson committee at Community and Ward level.
7Agriculturea) Post Management b) Ecological characterization protocol development c) Data collection, analysis and reporting for characterization study d) Technology validation and delivery e) Improving method for the effective uptake of new technologies and f) Technology dissemination g) Training and meeting
8Human Rights and Legal Education (HRLE) a) Formation of Group at the grass root level b) Motivation c) Regular meeting d) Establishing rights watch committee at ward and union level. e) Raising awareness of rights issue f) Identifying the violation g) Providing counseling to the victim h) Media campaign i) Providing Training j) Legal Aid
9Disaster Management a) Community based preparedness b) Awareness raising c) Contingency planning d) Information management, e) Disaster assessment and f) Response considering the disaster type.
10Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (RIIP-2)Training on Business Skill, Gender Awareness and Shop Maintenance of WMS for FSO and Business Skill for LCS Women & The Objective of the Basic LCS Training is to enable the women to increase their living standard beyond their LCS contract and thereby contribute of alleviate rural poverty especially among women. After this training as if they can the able to earn their dread. The women workers who are employed for the road construction and main training the roads they will be benefited by the help of increasing merit instead of being job and day can be able to contribute to household condition. Social and National Economic Development. By this training the women workers also know that the road repair, tree plantation, individual health and environment are the law of our self's. We are also informed about the safe use of road, Conception of increasing work Family planning, the skill of organization and the compulsory education.
11Racing out of school children Project (ROSC) The ARM School setting is highly structure. It is with this spirit that ARM made a major break through with its Reaching out of School Children (ROSC) Project is 2010. While the overall objective is to assist the Government with its efforts to disseminate primary education throughout the country, its focus has been somewhat broader. Through education, the programme aims to:

 Reduce mass illiteracy and contribute to the basic education of a significant proportion of the country’s children, especially those from the poorest families;
 Ensure enhanced participation of girls in education;
 Involve communities in their own socio-economic development;
 Contribute towards the strengthening of the government universal primary education programme;
 Build a strong foundation for ethical values conducive to intellectual and material growth; and
 Enhance the multi-sectoral potential of education in other areas such as population planing, public hygiene and health.
12Researchers Project: Quality seed potato production at farmer’s level in Potato-Mung-bean-T aman rice cropping pattern with short duration variety and residue management in monga porn Area.

Mungbean-T aman rice cropping pattern with short duration variety and residue management in monga porn Area
i. To make the farmers capable of growing their own potato seed and thus reduce production cost and increase yield and economic return.

ii. To generate income source in the off period of October-November.

iii. To increase pulse production and save foreign currency for import.

iv. To improve and maintain soil fertility and prevent degradation
13Village Savings and Loan Association(VLSA).To improve the livelihood of vulnerable Communities.
14Enrolment of out of school children back to school.Enrolment of 300 out of school children back to school

In addition to these above programs, ARM are implementing below mentioned support programs:
Monitoring, Human Resource Department, Publications, Audit and Accounts, Computer centre, Logistic, Public affairs and Communications.

ARM is now striving for:

  • Increasing the existing program performance and strengthening the management capacity of ARM.
  • Strengthening OD activities through developing the policy, procedure and system in order to make the organisation efficient.
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